Saturday, April 4, 2009

just a request...

a pigion dies today. this is as important , or rather a much less important comment than..."today is sunday".why is it so? there was this guy walking past, he never noticed an alive thing dead. something was there, something is not there now... no difference?..okay i am mad, crazy, sadistic, depressed. i cry when a bird dies in an accident, a dog comes under a car, a cat gets under the bus. i cry. i cry terribly. the world seeems like a dreary place, as if there is no hope. and may be i am right. with all the global warming happening around , i do not see much hope. but this is because of us. we have spoilt the world, destroyed it so much that it cant take us anymore. and this is because we are insensitive. just like no one noticed a pigion, which was alive a momemt ago and now dead, no one noticed when they poached the animals and hung them on shoulders or on walls, ripped them off their skin and made shoes or when we slowly cut off more trees than we should have. the thing is that no one notices an absence in a crowd. this is the way murder mystry happens. kill something in the crowd. so one pigion dead in a whole lot of them doesnt make a difference, one tiger less among lot of them, no difference, one tribe of men lost because others killed them, no difference... one planet gone in an universe of zillions of them.... no difference???
i hope we think that way... because that seems to be the general direction of thought.
but no... we right now are fighting. fighting to restore. yes i am glad to live in a time where atleast people know the word called conservation. where there are people fighting against useless killing of species, people trying to restore cubs of creatures so that they can inhabit. i hope we are doing it out of love for them and not merely because of love for us.
i wish everyone could take in a stray dog or cat. love an animal, so killing them, taking them as less living than humans doesnt happen. what is painful to us is painful to them. but unlike us they are not responsible for what is happening all around the globe.all animals are complete. they do not depend on humans to live. we in most of the cases depend on many other things. those who have pets know, each dog is different from the other. they are complete by themselves. i have met people who feel an animal can be killed because they are not good enough. their lives can be wasted, they are not important.
we are humans. we are different from some useless animals with innocent eyes and most basic of survival intincts.we are different because we know how to feel and give love. a cat does not have the brain to understand a human, but the human has brains to understand a cat, when its playful, when its that we can understand all animals. thats what people are doing now. its a comforting feeling. we have the power to love, we have the capacity to understand the smallest and most minutest of creatures. u know virus es are the minutest, still they were there before us and they will be always. each being is a complete being. each life has its own value. each death creates a gap. we should identify it. we should use what we have. we can love. all of us can love. all of us can understand.
go, tell me i am stupid writing all these, but i hope some one, somewhere is there who loves them, not with curiosity to experiment with them, not with thoughts of restoring the self, but loves them in the truest way. one world, one set of air, the same oxygen that makes all of us live...we survive in the same space, we are responsible for anyone, anything, how remote, how unrelated...just like one house and its memebers, similarly one world and its members. one does not cheat and hurt those who live with us...lets not..lets notice them not by species, but each one of them as they are. we are not deciders of fate...we are the race who has been blessed to feel love and give the name of love...lets be together.

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