Wednesday, January 27, 2010

do you guys have a heart?

see this picture very very carefully guys. all of you. there will be some of you who will not be able to look at it. you dont like death, worse violent death. you do not like blood, gore, hate movies like saw, hostel , any takashi miikey cinema. but still its a request to look at this picture and if u r scared by it, the a request is there to stare at it. because what you guys are seeing here is a truth, the reality as it happened to a living thing.
we humans live with this very abnormal notion guys. its like as no one else is a living organism other than us. and if you look little more into yourself you will realise that you do not think anyone else living at all other than your very self.

this is a photo of a royal bengal tiger. killed by the villagers. incidents of this sort happens often here.
i am writing this, not because tigers are endangered. not because its an animal.
i am writing to show and point out and to ask you to digest the cruelty that we do towards animals. for no reason. if a cat comes in the house we try to beat it up scare it out, throw stones etc believing in a fact that throwing stones at an animal is the only way to make it realise that its not wanted. the reason is that it cannot talk, but can attempt to steal food. for all i know an animal of any sort really does not know what stealing is all about.
there are two words in English. INNOCENCE and EXPERIENCE. they stand in opposition to the other. innocence marks purity, sinless-ness, beauty,etc etc ( u get the idea). experience is the the opposite. but innocence also mean knowledge-less-ness ( if there is such a word as that). a tiger that kills a deer.. is that a murderer? no, merely a carnivore. so it is innocent. simply because it does not know that it is killing a life.therefore a tiger is forgiven. the way a tiger acts, is purely by stimuli, i.e an action carried out instinctively. Now, for almost all kind of life form, survival is more an act of stimuli, a reaction to the fact of lets say being born! because they have taken birth, which is a beautiful thing, they have to survive, even before they know that they are trying to survive. now survival is not that pretty a thing as birth is. and adding to that for all life forms survival is a matter of instinct combined with some purely physical attributes, namely, strength, ability to react to instincts ( read stimuli) produced by sense organs of the body.Not much mind is used here.a cat's mustache, horse's manes, fins of fish, tails of crocodile, they are all parts that help them to understand the and react to the world they live in.there fore how many times a crocodile eats an animal, it still remains innocent.therefore how many times a cow or deer is eaten by a carnivore it cannot ask for justice or revenge from God ( or who they choose to ask from, if they could that is). there is nothing more violent than pure innocence my friends. A living being who does not know what he is doing is probably the most dangerous of all.not only because he may commit a grave crime but more because he may never realize the gravity of the crime he has committed.a living thing who does not know what he has done, and has done it to survive, as an action brought about by his instincts cannot be convicted of a crime. the entire animal world is the example of this notion that I believe in.
Now, are thses people who are carrying the tiger innocent?
here is the difficulty. you can call them a bunch of murderers, cruel individuals.. etc etc. but are they? what if it was their son being carreid like this?
they would have screamed , cried, taken revenge. but here they are not doing anything of the sort. because of this strange assumption guys. they take it as a base fact that the animal cannot feel. it does not know death. and since this tiger in question to them is violent cruel animal, it is only justified that it should be killed.
now i hope all of you know what a cat is. fairly domestic they are. sometimes aloof, sometimes they are very affectionate. you can pick them up anytime and cuddle them. feed them milk. you can open twitter accounts on their name and get famous! but have you ever seen the catch a mouse. hunt a lizard? many of you have and many of you never bothered. but if you would take the time to see them you will see a extremely violent sharp toothed, strong clawed creature. look in their eyes, you will see the same expression of a carnivore out to inflate your darling pet cat few thousand times and you have a tiger. well do u wanna cuddle it now?
my reason for writing this entire paragraph is to prove the fact that any animal is as sweet cute cuddly as you can imagine them to be, especially if they are not hunting . when a cat kills a mouse what happens can be a " mess" . when a tiger kills another animal what happens is a Nat Geo documentary. but they happen in the same process, with same instincts, using same methods.
if i come back to my earlier question, look at the dead tiger. mouth opened, definitely suffered a painful death, driven to it by pure fear ,desperate attempt to live and beyond insufferable pain!
is this death justified?
this people who killed it, did not do it by instinct, this death is not justified by Nature.It is a crime that no one will be punished for. this is a death that you will not bother about for more than five none will cry for it. there will be not more than 1 day of media coverage on it.
if this would have happened to a human, it would have been called cannibalistic, horrifying etc etc. but this incident happening to an animal is so common that u guys don't find it horrifying at all.
i am not talking about poaching. i am talking about the attitude we have towards animals. we have reserve forests and we have Open Season. We decide whether we can kill this animal or not. now in this humane world there are a few species who probably thank their gods that their fathers and forefathers were killed and skinned etc. etc, so that they have come under endangered species category. so they don't get killed often but still do by certain people with lot of money. sad are those animals who are not in that endangered group yet. killing animals for fun is still a sport in Open Season. in countries where stray dogs and cats are taken into animal shelters are given two weeks to live and see if some one come s for them and then they are " put to sleep". and so the Human God rises, deciding who should live and who should not live.
Have we grown less cruel with Animal Rights Activists lecturing us, or have we grown so cruel that now we want animals killed and done away with so neatly that we dont even wanna see blood at all? All of you answer this, do you have a problem knowing this tiger is dead, or watching the fact of death ? I believe it is the second one. We do not mind eating meat, but we do mind watching something yelling and dying and then having it, seeing the blood and the flesh. To those guys who feels troubled seeing blood, death,this picture, you guys are more cruel than the guys are not sensitive or something. you simply avoid the reality.

And now the second question. are these people innocent? They committed a murder. They skinned the tiger and sold the hide for 1.5 lakh to some businessman. As I wrote before, this death, is not caused by instincts, therefore, this death is not permitted by Nature. This is not an act instigated by stimuli or drive. or is it?
As I said survival is more an act of stimuli and strength! for humans its also aided by brains. And then there is the mind.
We are the only creature in this world who has the power to understand! Yes: not power to love and fight etc etc. Its the power to understand.We understand, if a animal is hurt. We understand if a tree is dying, we UNDERSTAND . And that is something no other creature does. We have the blessing of understanding. We understand fear of death, love for life, attempt to survive, not only of humans but also all other animals. a crocodile will not understand if a deer is scared, but we will. Animals have feelings, how ever basic they are; those who have pets know how animals get jealous, attention-seeking, stupid, angry at times. So if dog feels all that then I have every reason to believe that all other animals does the same too. Only we do not spend our understandings on them. to be honest we do not spend our understanding on anything beyond our Self. those people who killed the animal, are still innocent.Why? Because I believe that if survival is instinct and if money is making us survive then these people are reacting by what I would call Latent Stimuli.Latent Stimuli does not make you run or hide but makes you react slowly. These people need money, money is survival. To sell the hide to this certain businessman they would get 1.5 lakh INR.That means a lot to them, and hence they killed. So will this be an act of cruelty. They wont eat tiger meat, but this is still hunting for food in a more complicated way. Money is not a Natural creation.But it only enforces the Natural instincts.There is no point blaming them. They are what I was talking about.Innocent in the most horrific way. They do not know Global warming,balance of Nature, endangered species, and they do not know the VALUE OF LIFE. Here is the problem. I believe that everything that is alive here, is donig so because that thing has the Right to Live. You can convict a man and hang him. By his death a vacuum is created which can be filled moment another man takes birth. Since i am a human, i can give birth to human child and thus fill the vacuum created by the previous death.Today if we try to save animals it is not because we have learned to love them and over the years evolved in to a kinder species, but because today we understand the threat to ourselves. there is nothing called a animal lover in this world . No my friend. If today I am writing this, it is not because I love animals. It is because, seeing images like this, hearing reports of this incidents scares me. hurts me , pains me makes me feel that this world has nothing called justice. All these feelings make me sad. and I am writing because I DO NOT WANT TO BE SAD.

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